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[Game: 61]   Thursday November 30, 2023 at 9:30pm
    Langevin Transport    5  [ view all ]  [ Goalie: Andy Tout   SV%: 0.682 on 22 shots ]    
    Respect RX    7  [ view all ]  [ Goalie: Eric Myers   SV% 0.783 on 23 shots ]    

Respect RX  7      1  2  16:42   Tripping 
Langevin Trans  7  88  9  1    11:46   Goal 
Respect RX  26  92  52  1    10:43   Goal 
Respect RX  14      1  2  08:18   Tripping 
Langevin Trans  9  7  6  1    07:24   Goal 
Langevin Trans  12  --  --  1    06:29   Goal 
Respect RX  92  37  --  1    05:33   Goal 
Respect RX  37      1  2  04:34   Holding 
End of 1 -   Langevin Transport: 3   Respect RX: 2  
Langevin Trans  9      2  2  17:19   Hooking 
Respect RX  89      2  2  14:59   Hooking 
Respect RX  92  81  12  2    14:52   Goal 
Respect RX  89  52  14  2    12:03   Goal 
Respect RX  89  52  14  2    11:34   Goal 
Langevin Trans  3      2  2  09:39   Hooking 
Langevin Trans  88  7  --  2    08:35   Goal 
Respect RX  92  12  --  2    06:33   Goal 
Langevin Trans  88  7  --  2    05:31   Goal 
Langevin Trans  3      2  2  03:38   Holding 
Respect RX  89  52  14  2    01:53   Goal 
End of 2 -   Langevin Transport: 5   Respect RX: 7  
 Game Comments
Puck Drop 19:46 Reff Rob&Todd
 Scoring Summary - Period 1
  11:46   Langevin Trans   Ian Skeaff (Jean-Marc Baronette, Adam Bigras)
  10:43   Respect RX   Colin Atterbury (Jason Martens, Nick Norton )
  07:24   Langevin Trans   Adam Bigras (Ian Skeaff, Phil Langevin)
  06:29   Langevin Trans   Johnny Cram
  05:33   Respect RX   Jason Martens (Kevin Earle)
 Scoring Summary - Period 2
  14:52   Respect RX   Jason Martens (Jason Jackson, Shane Loyer)
  12:03   Respect RX   Dan Trtik (Nick Norton , Dave Landrigan)
  11:34   Respect RX   Dan Trtik (Nick Norton , Dave Landrigan)
  08:35   Langevin Trans   Jean-Marc Baronette (Ian Skeaff)
  06:33   Respect RX   Jason Martens (Shane Loyer)
  05:31   Langevin Trans   Jean-Marc Baronette (Ian Skeaff)
  01:53   Respect RX   Dan Trtik (Nick Norton , Dave Landrigan)
 Full Game Story - As reported game night
HIGHLIGHTS FOR: Thu Nov 30 at 9:30pm: Respect RX upsets Langevin Transport at home 5-7 ** Starting the game action off; Rob Gingras of Respect RX hung his head in shame and received 2 minutes for Tripping at 16:42 in the 1st period ** Ian Skeaff of Langevin Trans scored at 11:46 in the 1st period fed by Jean-Marc Baronette who received a lead pass from Adam Bigras ** Colin Atterbury of Respect RX scored at 10:43 in the 1st period fed by Jason Martens who received a lead pass from Nick Norton ** Dave Landrigan of Respect RX was obviously upset by the call but still received 2 minutes for Tripping at 08:18 in the 1st period ** Adam Bigras of Langevin Trans scored at 07:24 in the 1st period fed by Ian Skeaff who received a lead pass from Phil Langevin ** All were amazed as Johnny Cram of Langevin Trans scored at 06:29 in the 1st period unassisted ** Jason Martens of Respect RX scored at 05:33 in the 1st period fed by Kevin Earle ** Kevin Earle of Respect RX fell off someones back just before being called for a 2 minute Holding penalty at 04:34 in the 1st period ** Adam Bigras of Langevin Trans hung his head in shame and received 2 minutes for Hooking at 17:19 in the 2nd ** Dan Trtik of Respect RX hung his head in shame and received 2 minutes for Hooking at 14:59 in the 2nd ** Jason Martens of Respect RX scored at 14:52 in the 2nd fed by Jason Jackson who received a lead pass from Shane Loyer ** Dan Trtik of Respect RX scored at 12:03 in the 2nd fed by Nick Norton who received a lead pass from Dave Landrigan ** Dan Trtik of Respect RX scored at 11:34 in the 2nd receiving a tape-to-tape pass from Nick Norton who received a lead pass from Dave Landrigan ** Jeff Chevrier of Langevin Trans was obviously upset by the call but still received 2 minutes for Hooking at 09:39 in the 2nd ** Jean-Marc Baronette of Langevin Trans scored at 08:35 in the 2nd receiving a tape-to-tape pass from Ian Skeaff ** Jason Martens of Respect RX scored at 06:33 in the 2nd receiving a tape-to-tape pass from Shane Loyer ** Jean-Marc Baronette of Langevin Trans scored at 05:31 in the 2nd fed by Ian Skeaff ** Jeff Chevrier of Langevin Trans appeared to be looking for someone's wallet when called for a 2 minute Holding penalty at 03:38 in the 2nd ** Dan Trtik of Respect RX scored at 01:53 in the 2nd fed by Nick Norton who received a lead pass from Dave Landrigan **
 Game Rosters
Respect RX (goalie + -1 skaters)
Langevin Transport (goalie + -1 skaters)
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